The Law Office of Beth A. Klein, P.C.

Committed to Achieving the Best Legal Outcome

(281) 990-8900

Child Adoption


A child adoption cannot occur until after there has been a termination of the parental rights of the child’s parent.   The most common type of child adoption is a step-parent adoption.  If the biological parent is willing to sign away his or her rights, then the adoption process is generally smooth.

Depending on the county, the process may be slightly different.  The process is started by filing the petition for adoption.  Customarily, this is combined with a suit for termination.  The person asking to adopt is required to go through a criminal background check and the report is submitted to the court.  The Court will appoint an attorney for the child being adopted and will appoint a qualified person to conduct the social study.  If the child is of age, the child may be required to consent to the adoption.

Once the above is complete, the Court can grant the child adoption and change the child’s name.  If a request for a new birth certificate is made, that process is separate after the adoption and name change is granted.

We have handled numerous child adoptions in the counties we practice in.

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